(314) 361.2444
Is Tip Pooling Legal?

Is Tip Pooling Legal?

Though strictly regulated by both federal and state law, tip pooling is one aspect of the food and beverage industry which frequently comes under scrutiny by both governmental agencies and employment attorneys. Previously the US Department of Labor, Wage and Hour...
Need Extra Holiday Cash?

Need Extra Holiday Cash?

Consider a Temporary Food & Beverage Side Hustle The holidays are fast approaching and if you’re like the majority of us those paychecks just aren’t going to cover all the presents the kids expect to see under the tree on December 25th. Make plans now to earn some...
Is There a Restaurant Industry Labor Shortage?

Is There a Restaurant Industry Labor Shortage?

From locally owned Mom and Pop cafes with small “Help Wanted” signs in their front windows, to national chains with a big “NOW HIRING” banner draped across the front of the building, it seems there is service industry labor shortage. But is this true and if so, what...