(314) 361.2444

These days chances are pretty good a table of four at just about any restaurant will have at least one person with some sort of food allergy or medical concern. From being gluten free, lactose intolerant or dealing with a peanut or shellfish allergy, serving restaurant patrons can be difficult. Then there are those who suffer from an allergy or intolerance from common ingredients such as onions, garlic and even salt. Here are some tried and true tips to help keep your customers happy and safe with their menu choices.

There is a difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance. And no, as a server it isn’t your responsibility to know the difference; that is up to the customer. But you should make it your responsibility to educate yourself as to the ingredients in your restaurant’s most popular dishes. This way if someone asks if a particular menu item has anything from MSG to high fructose corn syrup, you’ll have the answer. Patrons appreciate servers who take the extra step to ensure their safety.

If asked if a dish has a certain ingredient and you don’t know, be honest and then go ask the chef. As tempting as it may be to fudge the truth, especially when the house is packed, it’s not worth it if your customer has a violent reaction. Also, there is a chance that both you and the restaurant could be held liable in civil court if a lawsuit is filed. Treat food allergies as seriously as when it comes to dealing with an intoxicated guest.

Clarify with your manager or head chef the policy on menu item substitutions. Often in the case of severe food allergies a patron may require their food be prepared with completely separate kitchen equipment to avoid any chance of cross contamination; something most restaurant kitchens aren’t able to provide. Then know the policy on how to inform the customer that the kitchen can’t accommodate their dietary needs. Generally this is something a manager will want to handle personally.

The service industry is booming in St. Louis and Staffing One Services is here to assist you with finding the perfect full-time, part-time or temporary job. Call us today at 314.361.2444 to speak with one of our professional employment consultants.