(314) 361.2444

You love your service industry job. The money is good, the customers and other employees are friendly and the hours fit perfectly with your busy life. But you’ve noticed lately you’re more tired than usual, have a few more random aches and pains and today when you hopped on the scales at the gym, you’ve gained a couple of pounds. Don’t despair! Healthy tips to the rescue!

The majority of restaurant food is not only tasty, but depending on the establishment, it can also be fast and inexpensive. But the downside is the majority of restaurant meals are often high in fat and sodium with a total caloric count off the charts. And frequently one of the perks of the job is a free or discounted meal. Almost all restaurants have healthy options and you can combat all the negatives and still get your shift meal simply by making smarter choices. Order your fish or chicken broiled instead of fried. Select the vegetable of the day instead of fries. Drink water not soda or sweetened tea. And if a meal perk isn’t one of your benefits then bring a meal from home. That way you have total control over everything you eat while at work.

You want your legs and feet to stay healthy long after you retire from the food and beverage industry so it’s important to take care of them from the beginning. Invest in good professional slip resistant footwear. Then add orthopedic insoles and breathable cotton socks for extra comfort.

There is a reason you’re shown safety videos when first hired so pay attention. Both the back and front of the house is nothing but an accident waiting to happen. From slippery floors to sharp knives, grease splatters to broken glass, it’s important to stay focused while on the clock.

Need to earn some holiday cash? Staffing One Services is seeking qualified candidates for numerous service industry positions in and around the greater St. Louis area. Connect with us online or by calling 314-361-2444 today.