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If you’re applying for your very first job, or have never worked in the food & beverage or hotel business, you may be surprised at some of the interview questions. These questions are asked due to the nature of the business which include long irregular hours, dealing with a vast number of different people and the fact that the job itself can be both physically and mentally challenging. Therefore, human resources or the hiring manager wants to be certain you understand what a service industry position entails before being hired.

When these questions are asked take a moment and answer truthfully. This will go a long way in ensuring you don’t end up in a situation you aren’t prepared for.

Why do you want to work in the food & beverage/hospitality industry? This may seem like a pretty general question but it’s asked in order to determine what a potential employee is looking for. Do they simply want a job for the money or are they looking for a career? Are they interested in a fast-paced environment where no two days are the same? Perhaps they really like the back of the house side of the business and their goal is to make people happy with their culinary skills.

What does hospitality mean to you? There is no question that making and keeping customers satisfied and coming back is a challenge especially in today’s world of so many different food, beverage and lodging options. Add to that the rise of demanding patrons and real time social media reviews and now more than ever it’s vital a potential employee understands what outstanding customer service means.

Tell me about your extracurricular activities; for example what hobbies do you enjoy? It is important to remember there are several questions hiring managers are not allowed to ask during an interview, but this is not one of them. The hospitality industry has a high burnout rate which can often be balanced by maintaining a healthy work-life mix. Plus activities other than work often allow an employee to potentially connect with patrons over shared interests. It’s the little things that can turn a one-time guest into a regular customer.

Begin your search for the best service industry job in and around the greater St. Louis area by connecting online with Staffing One Services today.