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Leverage Your Past Service Industry Experience
While you love your restaurant server job, your hotel front desk position, or your back of the house catering gig, you’re ready to move on. Perhaps you need a larger paycheck, better benefits, a more flexible schedule, or maybe it’s simply time for a new challenge. Just because your current and past work experience has always been in the service industry, doesn’t mean you have stay in the same employment field.
Determine your Professional Identity-Take the time to define your strongest skills both personally and professionally. An easy method of doing this is to make a list of your biggest accomplishments. They can be as simple as getting to work every day on time or as complex as being responsible for all front of the house scheduling. Figuring out your professional identity helps narrow down your strengths and weaknesses.
Own Your Past Experiences-Your previous employment achievements have merit and don’t deserve to be downplayed or glossed over. Bundle these experiences together with skills you excel at. For example, chances are if you’ve made a decent living in the service industry, especially in front of the house positions, you have mastered the fundamentals of good customer service. You know how to make an experience memorable so why not consider allowing this skill to translate into a more financially lucrative or professionally rewarding career?
Say you’re current working as a restaurant server but have always had an interest in finance. An entry level bank teller position can easily open the door to head teller, loan processor, credit manager, or even branch VP. Include on your resume your cash handling and credit and debit card processing capabilities. Then don’t forget about your ability to work under pressure while multi-tasking, as well as dealing with difficult situations and customers. These are all transferable skills that work in your favor in many professions.
Gettysburg College graduate Andrew Naber has determined the average American will spend 90,000 hours of their life at work; while a 2013 Gallup poll discovered 87% of those Americans have no real passion for their job. Life is too short to stay in a job that doesn’t fulfill you. Connect today with Staffing One Services and let us help find you the career path you’ve always dreamed of walking down.

Start the New Year with a New Career
This is the time of the year when we all begin thinking about our New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately the majority of our resolutions fall by the wayside. In fact, studies have proven 80 percent of all resolutions fail before the month of January is even over. That’s discouraging! Psychology Today magazine has determined four common reasons people have such a difficult time succeeding when it comes to life/lifestyle changes. These include: becoming overwhelmed, feeling discouraged, not setting clear goals, and not truly being ready to change.
For example, you set a resolution to lose weight. You change your eating habits; start hitting the gym and that number on the scale starts to go down. But then life gets in the way; you don’t exercise as frequently, begin eating unhealthy again and soon that resolution is a thing of the past.
That’s the beauty of making a resolution to find a new career. By working hand in hand with Staffing One Services you get results. It’s a fresh new year, one full of possibilities, so why not begin your new year with a new career? Been considering making a job change for a while now? Perhaps you aren’t earning what you should be considering your education and experience. Or maybe you’re simply burned out working a job where you don’t feel appreciated and there is no room for advancement. Give Staffing One Services a call today and schedule an appointment with one of our professional experienced employment consultants to discuss your career options.
No longer do people feel they have to work for the same company until they retire. These days employment opportunities are limitless and many of those old tired rules concerning education, experience and long-term job stability don’t apply. You spend a very large portion of your life at work and Staffing One Services works diligently to ensure you go to work every day satisfied and happy and earning the money you deserve.
Call us today at 314-361-2444 or connect with us online for additional information or to schedule an appointment. Staffing One Services, serving the greater St. Louis area for over 20 years.

Earn Extra Holiday Cash With Just One Call to Staffing One Services
The holidays are here and the hospitality industry is scrambling to hire temporary employees. While many people began their seasonal job hunt in October or November, there are still plenty of positions available. And often these positions are at a higher rate of pay since they have yet to be filled.
For bars and restaurants the holiday season starts at Thanksgiving and continues through the end of the year. Extra help in both the back and front of the house is required for private parties, busier than normal nights and weekends and also during the week when many businesses will host company-wide luncheons or early afternoon happy hours.
The lodging industry also hires a large number of temporary workers each holiday season. From guest services to parking valets, room service attendants to housekeepers, the opportunities for a side gig during the month of December are endless. Plus, because of the time of the year many hotels and casinos offer extra perks to both their full-time and seasonal employees, including free meals, on-site department celebrations and bonuses for working Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.
For many people working a seasonal job is a good way to add to your resume. This is especially true for recent college grads or someone who for personal reasons has been out of the workforce for several years. Also, if you’re considering switching careers working a temporary position, especially during the holidays, is a great way to get a true behind the scenes idea of how a company operates. You get to experience the structure and culture without any long-term commitment. If securing a full-time position is your ultimate goal, starting out as a seasonal worker often leads there. Just as you have the opportunity to “test drive” a business, the employer also gets a chance to observe your work ethic.
Interested in learning more about seasonal temporary hospitality and food and beverage positions in and around the greater St. Louis area? Staffing One Services is now interviewing for immediate hiring. Call us today at 314.361.2444 or connect with us online to schedule a personal interview.
Staffing One Services would like to take this time to thank all our valued clients and employees and wish each and everyone a very safe and happy holiday season.

Contact Us
- 5615 Pershing Avenue, Suite 24, St. Louis, MO 63112-1757
- Phone: (314) 361.2444
- Fax: (314) 361.1611
- Open M-F, 7:30am to 4:00pm