(314) 361.2444

Everywhere you look, from fast food establishments to big box stores, companies are searching for employees. Unfortunately many of these businesses are overlooking a large percentage of workers because of their age. And while there isn’t a formal definition of when a person becomes classified as an older worker, generally it is thought to be when they are eligible to begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits. But that certainly doesn’t mean a person is ready to stop working

  • Workers 62 years and older are still vibrant, physically active, mentally alert and in a 2010 Pew Research Center survey, over 75% of those polled cited a stronger work ethic as one of the biggest differences between the employable generations.
  • The older worker has better leadership and stronger people skills not just because of longer life experience but because they spent the majority of their prime earning years without the added benefit of advanced technology. They developed solid face-to-face listening and communication skills since social media, texting and email wasn’t available.
  • Loyalty to a business is often an unheard idea these days. Younger workers who are following an upward career trajectory don’t hesitate to leave for “greener pastures.” Or they often struggle with life/work balance especially if children are involved, frequently leaving them conflicted and resentful. Seasoned workers have already had their “day in the sun” and generally have adult children so they are much more loyal and not interested in hopping from job to job.
  • Older workers look forward to the challenge of going to work every day. So much so that numerous studies have shown they are punctual, don’t abuse the time allotted for breaks and meals and unless it’s an emergency, show up as scheduled.\
  • Many times because of an older employee’s past career history, they bring to the table an impressive network of past professional colleagues and clients. This can often be a huge asset to their current place of employment.

Retired and ready to get back into the workforce? Staffing One Services is at your service. Visit us online and download an application today.